Friday, February 13, 2009

The Kitten Code of Conduct

(As lived by Dax & Kaboodle at 4 months of age)

I. Thou shalt purr whenever someone you love is near.

II. Thou shalt find joy in every little thing – including crumpled paper.

III. Thou shalt try to make friends with everyone you meet – even the old mean cat that hisses at you.

IV. Thou shalt appreciate every meal that is put before you.

V. Thou shalt clean up your brother when he can’t do it himself.

VI. Thou shalt take a nap when you’re tired.

VII. Thou shalt meow when you are scared or lost.

VIII. Thou shalt come running when your brother is scared.

IX. Thou shalt forget mistakes made by those you love – even when they step on your tail.

X. Thou shalt cuddle.